vivo announced the sale of its latest addition to the V Series portfolio in India, the V30e. The recently launched vivo V30e is India’s slimmest smartphone to house a 5,500mAh battery. The device comes with a segment-leading 50MP Sony IMX882 OIS Main Camera and vivo’s exclusive Studio Quality Aura Light to enhance the portrait experience and an ultra-slim 3D curved display.
The V30e is priced at INR 27,999 for the 8GB + 128GB variant and INR 29,999 for the 8GB + 256GB variant. Starting today, customers can purchase the V30e from Flipkart, vivo India e-store, and all partner retail stores. To make it easier to own the all-new V30e, consumers can avail of the below offers:
Flat 10% Instant Discount with ICICI, SBI, IndusInd, IDFC, and other banks
12 months zero down payment option with select NBFC partners
Flat 10% Instant Discount with HDFC and SBI banks
Building on the V Series’ design legacy, the vivo V30e features dual-tone back panels with a gem-cut camera module. Remarkably slim at 7.65mm, it houses a large 5,500mAh battery. The device is available in two luxury-inspired color variants, Velvet Red and Silk Blue.
The V30e is a portrait powerhouse due to the powerful 50MP OIS Sony IMX882 sensor, offering enhanced light sensitivity and stability. Its Studio Quality Smart Aura Light adapts to ambient lighting for impressive low-light portraits. The device also features a 50MP Eye AutoFocus Selfie camera for sharp, detailed selfies.
vivo V30e packs a large 5,500mAh battery combined with 44W Flash Charge, delivering a stress-free and dependable battery backup for uninterrupted all-day usage.